Friday, March 1, 2013

story questions

talent show
mrs bagnall

  1. why was the valentines pageant canceled?
  2. did the talent show replace it?
  3. is it open to students?
  4. in the past, usually what kind of acts perform at the talent show?
  5. how long has akins held talent shows? are you always in charge of it?
  6. when are auditions? when is the talent show?
  7. where do the proceeds go?
  8. can teachers also to the talent show?
  9. what is the weirdest talent someone has performed?
  10. what was your favorite talent act in the past years?

reading for 15 min story opinions
-why it's a waste of time
-suggest other methods to improve reading skills
-talk to mrs red land and other english teachers
-talk about why it's not necessary in non core classes
-shouldn't be penalized for not having a book