Wednesday, November 16, 2011

finals story

interview maybe one teacher?
-how do you get your students prepared for finals?
-what do you have to say to those who are nervous?
-what is one way to be successful and pass?
-what are good methods of studying?
-how can passing or not passing finals effect your grade?

soccer story

who to interview-
roberto godinez
mr. cannon

questions for students
how many teams are there? (a b c teams?)
how many people make the cut?
what do the coaches look for in a soccer player?
what does it take to make the team?
how many schools will you play? is there any sort of championship you go to?
how well do you think the team will do?
what were the past years of being in akins soccer like?
questions for coaches
what do you enjoy most about coaching soccer?
how has the team done in the previous years?
what are you most looing forward to this soccer season? (question also for students)
what are the downsides of having the season in the winter? what is the upside of it?