Monday, September 16, 2013

interview for students (interview sophomores and freshman)

  1. Now that instead of passing 15 standardized tests, you only have to pass 5. Do you find this beneficial? How did several standardized tests affect you?
  2. To be automatically accepted in to state universities in the top 10 percent of your class, you have to be on the distinguished plan, is this a problem to you? What do you agree or disagree with about this?
  3. You now only have to take 3 years of math, social studies, and science, and 4 years of english. Do you think 4 years of english versus 3 years of everything else makes sense? Would you have wanted 4 years of everything? 3 years?
  4. Now that you have more space for electives and individual interests, what electives would you want to take? what are you most interested in? 
  5. What do you think about the new plan giving students more individual freedom to choose classes they're interested in?
  6. What colleges do you plan on applying to?
  7. The bill limits the number of benchmarks and STAAR tests, do you feel several standardized tests are a waste of time?

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