Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Beto DREAMS questions

  1. When did you start the DREAMS clothing line?
  2. What inspired you to create the clothing line? Why did you create it?
  3. Is it just you who designs this? Who else helps?
  4. When did the clothing line start to gain popularity? How did you try to get your clothes noticed?
  5. What are the hardest things about trying to run a clothing line while in high school and in general?
  6. Have you made a big profit off your clothes?
  7. How does it makes you feel whenever you see people wearing your shirts or buying them?
  8. Where can you buy them?
  9. Do you plan to continue your clothing line after high school? What else do you see yourself doing after high school or college?
  10. What is the process of designing, making and producing the finished product?
  11. Do your designs carry any specific meaning or significance?
  12.  Where did the name DREAMS come from?
  13. Is it just popular among Akins students?
  14. Who have you seen wear it? (what type of crowd, specific people, etc.)

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