Wednesday, September 12, 2012

freddy zamora story
  1. what was your relation to freddy?
  2. have you lost anyone else close to you before?
  3. what did freddy mean to you? 
  4. when was his funeral? what was it like?
  5. what do you miss most?
  6. how have family and friends handled it and make this transition?
  7. how is life different now that he isn't here anymore?
sinsored story
  1. how did it feel winning 2nd place at battle of the bands last year?
  2. who plays which parts? whose all in the band?
  3. what venues have yall played at?
  4. any albums or tour in the works?
  5. what caused some members of the band to leave?
  6. have you guys gained more fans or recognition from playing in venues?
  7. what are the hardest things to deal with when you're in a band?
  8. what's the craziest thing that's happened at your shows?
  9. how did you guys end up getting gigs at venues like the red eyed fly?
  10. what do you like best about being in a band?
  11. what do you like the least about being in a band?
  12. what bands do you guys look for for inspiration?
  13. planning any sxsw shows?
  14. when are your next shows?

Monday, September 10, 2012

freddy zamora story
who to interview
-his brother adam zamora
-friend either nohemi rodriguez or cousin tori
-marisol gomez

other story
sinsored story
who to interview
michael loera
austin davenport
santana gutierrez
some fan of theirs

Thursday, September 6, 2012

scavenger hunt
haleigh, alex, savannah

3. Mrs. Ball if the director for diamonds and is located in the fine arts building, Mr. Faust teacher band, Mrs. Bennet teachers orchestra, Mrs. Seagle teaches theater, Mrs. Medina, Mr. Cannon, and Mrs. Yopp teach art.

6. Mrs. Horowitz teaches history, Roberson teacher science, Sloane teaches math, Kesling teaches English, Broome teaches animation, Clark teaches biology, Warr teacher English, and Reeves and Doerr teach journalism.

9. Ten story ideas for this issue are homecoming, Freddy Zamora, Schedule complains, Rumors of seniors not being allowed to go off campus anymore, teen pregnancy, overcrowding, FFA new barn, elections, ACL, and Fun fun fun fest.

12. This years editor are Alex doing the photo essay, Haleigh is in-depth editor, Jackie is features, Ben is sports, Dez is editor in chief, Marissa is opinions, and I edit entertainment.

15. Five people who I think are important to know who don’t work in Akins are Dr. Carstarphen (414-2412), Tommy Cox (414-1050). Elaine Hopkins (414-2413), Lori Moya (414-2610), and Dr. Akins.

Some websites to visit are NPR for news, twitter to see what students are talking about and what’s trending, the AISD website to be aware of what’s happening in the school district, CNN, and Yahoo.